Got Transition is the federally funded national resource center on health care transition. Its aim is to improve the transition from pediatric to adult health care through the use of evidence-driven strategies.
I’m Determined Transition Guide
A transition guide to help youth and their families transition to post-secondary education and training for a self-determined future. The I’m Determined project is a state-directed project funded by the Virginia Department of Education.
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: the Collaborative (NTACT:C)
The federally-funded National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C) provides information, tools, and supports to promote effective services and instruction for secondary students and out of school youth with disabilities.
PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment Learning Center
The Learning Center informs parents and others about major components of transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities.
Think College
A national technical assistance, research, and evaluation center dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving inclusive higher education options for people with intellectual disability. Think College provides resources, technical assistance and training.
Think Possible! Employment Webinar Series
A four-part employment training series developed for service coordinators who work with the Birth to 3 Program, the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program, and the Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP).