This training covers a variety of topics related to the transition to adult life for youth with disabilities and special health care needs.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Wisconsin
NAMI Wisconsin works to raise mental health awareness, provide education and support, and improve the mental health system in Wisconsin.
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: the Collaborative (NTACT:C)
The federally-funded National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C) provides information, tools, and supports to promote effective services and instruction for secondary students and out of school youth with disabilities.
Special Education Team – WI Department of Public Instruction
Provides leadership to improve outcomes and ensure a free appropriate public education for students protected under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Think College
A national technical assistance, research, and evaluation center dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving inclusive higher education options for people with intellectual disability. Think College provides resources, technical assistance and training.
Think Possible! Employment Webinar Series
A four-part employment training series developed for service coordinators who work with the Birth to 3 Program, the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program, and the Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP).
Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training, & Support (WI FACETS)
The Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training, & Support (WI FACETS) is a leading source of information and support in Wisconsin for families of children with disabilities.
Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant
The Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant (WITIG) provides technical assistance, training and resources to support the transition process in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative (YHTI)
The Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative (YHTI) provides information to Wisconsin’s health care systems and providers, community collaborators, families, and caregivers on the movement from pediatric health care to the adult health care system.